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By Porn Emprerror Posted on Dec 8, 2023
In Category - Shitting / Scat
Mistress Gaia 177327
Mistress Gaia - MISTRESS GAIA - YOU CAN'T BREATH - HD / Shitting / Scat


This morning I have a great urge to shit. I'm even afraid of not resisting until the bathroom, which is far away, in the corridor. But I get an idea, my slave, who is always ready for my needs is tied with his mouth wide open at my feet. Then I take off my slip and bend down. I don't need to exert myself: a hot, odorous jet immediately falls into his mouth and fills it. IT IS SO MUCH. She moans. I am not finished, the flow continues. She can't swallow it. It drips all over his face and then gradually falls to the floor. He's literally covered in it. I like seeing him like that. Now I'm done. I clean myself, then push all the shit into his mouth. He's full of shit everywhere.


Stamane ho una gran voglia di cagare. Temo addirittura di non farcela sino al bagno, che e' lontano, nel corridoio. Ma mi viene un'idea, il mio schiavo, che e' sempre pronto per i miei bisogni è legato a bocca spalancata ai miei piedi. Poi tolgo lo slip e mi chino. Non occorre che mi sforzi: un getto caldo e odoroso cade subito nella sua bocca e la riempie. È TANTISSSIMA. Mugola. Non ho finito, il flusso continua. Non ce la fa ad inghiottirlo. Cola su tutto il viso e poi via via cade a terra. Ne e' letteralmente ricoperto. Mi piace vederlo in quello stato. Ora ho finito. Mi pulisco, poi gli spingo tutta la merda in bocca. È pieno di merda ovunque.

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 7931 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 160 kb/s
Category:Shitting / Scat

Totaly free download from category Shitting / Scat, no hidden fees, no ads, only fun.
Mistress Gaia - MISTRESS GAIA - YOU CAN'T BREATH - HD is a free Shitting / Scat that can be described by the following tags: Shitting / Scat, scat in mouth, scat femdom, Mistress Gaia.

Scat play refers to sexual activities involving feces. Individuals with a Shitting / Scat, or Mistress Gaia, derive sexual pleasure from the sight, scent, or feel of feces. Scat play can involve acts such as smearing feces on the body, defecating on a person's body, watching a person defecate, or even eating feces. Many scat players are also able to control the amount, consistency, and smell of their own feces by altering their diets. While many people find this fetish repulsive, some are drawn to it because of the smooth warm feeling of feces as well as the sheer taboo mentality surrounding it. Sometimes, a scat fetish is combined with a diaper fetish. Scat play may also be referred to as poop play, poop kink, coprophilia or scatophilia.

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