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By Porn Emprerror Posted on Dec 8, 2023
In Category - Shitting / Scat
Lady Scarlet 180759
Lady Scarlet - LADY SCARLET - BOTTOMLESS PIT hd / Shitting / Scat


After breakfast a cigarette is fine. And it gives even more satisfaction if there is a tied slave at my feet ready to be my ashtray and not only that... the more I smoke, the more I feel the urge to shit.
He is there for me, to serve me, with his mouth open. Ash and spits are just the appetizer. Shit and piss the special dish, administered alternating the two.
The slave chews under my orders, but when it comes to swallowing he is a little reluctant. I cover his mouth and ****** it on him with authority. His eyes are wide, my gaze determined. Executes. I tell him I always get what I want. And my heels sink into his nipples to confirm this.
I put the cigarette butt I put out on his tongue in his mouth and leave. As a reward for him my used panties...


Dopo colazione una sigaretta ci sta bene. E dà ancora più soddisfazione se ai miei piedi c’è uno schiavo legato pronto a ******i da posacenere e non solo… più fumo, e più sento lo stimolo di cagare.
Lui è lì per me, per servirmi, con la bocca aperta. Cenere e sputi sono solo l’antipasto. Merda e piscio il piatto speciale, somministrato alternando le due cose.
Lo schiavo mastica sotto mio ordine, ma quando si tratta di ingoiare è un po’ restio. Gli tappo la bocca e glielo impongo con autorità. I suoi occhi sono sgranati, il mio sguardo deciso. Esegue. Gli dico che ottengo sempre ciò che voglio. E i mei tacchi infieriscono sui suoi capezzoli a riconferma di ciò.
Gli metto in bocca il mozzicone della sigaretta che avevo spento sulla sua lingua e me ne vado. In premio per lui le mie mutandine usate...

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 8010 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 192 kb/s
Category:Shitting / Scat

Totaly free download from category Shitting / Scat, no hidden fees, no ads, only fun.
Lady Scarlet - LADY SCARLET - BOTTOMLESS PIT hd is a free Shitting / Scat that can be described by the following tags: Shitting / Scat, scat in mouth, scat femdom, Lady Scarlet.

Scat play refers to sexual activities involving feces. Individuals with a Shitting / Scat, or Lady Scarlet, derive sexual pleasure from the sight, scent, or feel of feces. Scat play can involve acts such as smearing feces on the body, defecating on a person's body, watching a person defecate, or even eating feces. Many scat players are also able to control the amount, consistency, and smell of their own feces by altering their diets. While many people find this fetish repulsive, some are drawn to it because of the smooth warm feeling of feces as well as the sheer taboo mentality surrounding it. Sometimes, a scat fetish is combined with a diaper fetish. Scat play may also be referred to as poop play, poop kink, coprophilia or scatophilia.

The latest update of this Shitting / Scat has been uploaded on 2025-02-06 12:13:21, please folow us to get all new updates and releases. We also bring daily updates, so be sure to check all new posts, download and enjoy best from the market.

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