Madame Marissa - Trampled by your office colleagues
Trampled by your office colleagues
What do you think why we called you into our office? Do you know what we found on your computer when you were taking a break and didn't lock your screen? Yes, very interesting videos ... you seem to really like high heels and feet ... as we already suspected since we noticed you looking at our shoes and feet all the time. Now you'll lie down here on the office floor - and we'll show you our shoes ... from below! Isn't that a dream coming true for you? Or is it way more painful to be trampled in real life than you imagined? Yes, 2 ladies in high heels trampling all over your body and face must be really painful ... but that's what you're into, isn't it?! And it's really fun for us to trample you, see your pain distorted face and hear your screams of pain. And you want us to keep your little secret, don't you? Well, then you're going to take care of some of our work as well from now on ...
Von deinen Bürokolleginnen getrampelt
Was denkst du, warum wir dich in unser Büro gerufen haben? Weißt du, was wir auf deinem Computer gefunden haben, als du eine Pause gemacht und deinen Bildschirm nicht gesperrt hast? Ja, sehr interessante Videos ... du scheinst High Heels und Füße wirklich zu mögen ... wie wir schon vermutet haben, da wir bemerkt haben, dass du ständig auf unsere Schuhe und Füße schaust. Jetzt legst du dich hier im Büro auf den Boden - und wir zeigen dir unsere Schuhe ... von unten! Ist das nicht ein Traum, der für dich wahr wird? Oder ist es viel schmerzhafter, im echten Leben getrampelt zu werden, als du dir vorgestellt hast? Ja, 2 Ladies in High Heels, die auf deinem Körper und deinem Gesicht herumtrampeln, müssen wirklich schmerzhaft sein ... aber darauf stehst du doch, oder?! Und es macht uns wirklich Spaß, dich zu trampeln, dein schmerzverzerrtes Gesicht zu sehen und deine Schmerzensschreie zu hören. Und du willst, dass wir dein kleines Geheimnis für uns behalten, stimmt's? Gut, dann wirst du dich ab jetzt auch um einen Teil unserer Arbeit kümmern ...
Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 12186 kb/s Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 164 kb/s |
Totaly free download from category Trampling, no hidden fees, no ads, only fun.
Madame Marissa - Trampled by your office colleagues is a free Trampling that can be described
by the following tags: Trampling,
scat in mouth,
scat femdom,
Madame Marissa.
Scat play refers to sexual activities involving feces. Individuals with a Trampling, or Madame Marissa, derive sexual pleasure from the sight, scent, or feel of feces. Scat play can involve acts such as smearing feces on the body, defecating on a person's body, watching a person defecate, or even eating feces. Many scat players are also able to control the amount, consistency, and smell of their own feces by altering their diets. While many people find this fetish repulsive, some are drawn to it because of the smooth warm feeling of feces as well as the sheer taboo mentality surrounding it. Sometimes, a scat fetish is combined with a diaper fetish. Scat play may also be referred to as poop play, poop kink, coprophilia or scatophilia.
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